London is in the midst of a high-security alert that has put an extra 1,700 police and hundreds of soldiers onto the streets of the city. British officials say the alert is in response to a terrorist threat against the country. At the same time, U.S. officials have strengthened security in Washington, including deploying antiaircraft missiles to … [Lire plus...]
Chechnya: separatists get no official support from Muslim governments
Russia's war in separatist Chechnya is one of the world's most visible conflicts involving Muslims. Yet support from Muslim countries for the breakaway republic is virtually nonexistent. A number of Arab nations -- including, most recently, Iraq, which condemned the actions of "terrorists" in Chechnya -- have steered clear of the issue or come down … [Lire plus...]
Russia: Moscow levels fresh terrorism-related charges against Georgia
Russia has brought new accusations against neighboring Georgia. Moscow has long alleged that the South Caucasus republic is encouraging international terrorism by condoning the activities of Chechen separatist fighters based on its territory. Now, Russian Defense Minister Sergei Ivanov has charged that makeshift laboratories have been set up near … [Lire plus...]
Indonesia: Americans were intended target in Bali bombing
A key suspect has admitted taking part in the terrorist bombing on Indonesia's island of Bali and says the attack was intended to kill Americans. Ali Imron also says the bombers were not helped by any outside organization. Jakarta, Feb 11 (VOA News) - Before a crowded room in a Bali police station, suspect Ali Imron explained how the Bali … [Lire plus...]
Document – Usama Bin Laden: “Exposing the New Crusader War”
Comme le savent les lecteurs de, deux nouvelles déclarations attribuées à Oussama ben Laden viennent d'être rendue publique en ce mois de février 2003. Il ne nous est pas possible de nous prononcer sur l'authenticité de ces documents. Pour l'information des visiteurs du site, nous avons cependant décidé de mettre en ligne la … [Lire plus...]